07929 636 773 tiger-gent19@hotmail.com

Monthly Newsletter – December 2019

December 2019 : The Chairmans end of year Newsletter


This has been an interesting year at Moulton. Upon retiring back in July the primary school governors gave me notice the hall was no longer being let in the evenings. As we have been running there for over 25 years this meant a change of venues. The new venues being the Obelisk Centre on Mondays, Boughton Village Hall on Tuesdays and Moulton Village Hall on Fridays. This has enabled us to spread our catchment area.

Owing to Mr Conboys work commitments, Earls Barton now only runs on Sunday eve at the Silver Band Club. This gives our members the opportunity to train up to 4 times a week during term times. All our clubs are within an easy driving distance of each other. Regular weekly training is a necessary requirement between gradings. We are looking into the possibility of opening new venues in the new year.

Colour Belt Gradings – 2020

Next years grading dates have been provisionally booked Sunday 15th March 2019; Sunday 12th July and Sunday 22nd November. P.S. you must have attended at least 20 classes between gradings. If you do not pass, the very next grading is free.

Introducing new members

New members are always welcome. The first three lessons are free and if you introduce a new member, you will have a choice when they licence. Either your next years licence will be free or your next months training for free.

Tiger Tournament 2020

I am in the process of planning our next years Tiger Tournament . Hopefully at Moulton Village Hall on Sunday 1st March. Further details to follow. I hope that all of you members will enter and support your club. We are also hoping to attend other tournaments throughout the coming year.

Last training of 2019

Finally, our last training classes will be on Sunday 15th December at Earls Barton and Monday 16th December at the Obelisk Centre. This final class will be a fun and games night so wear your Christmas hats and let us end the year with a bang. We still back in the New Year at Earls Barton on Sunday 5th January 2020 and Obelisk Centre on Monday 6th January 2020.

I would like to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Mr Adrian Gent, Chief Instructor. (6th Deg)
Tel: 07929 636 773 or email: tiger-gent19@hotmail.com

Mr Conboy, Earls Barton Instructor (2nd Deg)
Tel: 07881 856 157

Website: www.whitetigertaekwon-do.co.uk