Monthly Newsletter – February 2020
February 2020
Tiger Tournament 2020 – Sunday 1st March at Moulton Village Hall
This is being held at Moulton Village Hall, Pund Lane on Sunday 1st March. Competitors entry fee is £10 for all events. I expect all of our members to compete as this is our local event. There are events for all ages and abilities and it gives everyone the opportunity to compete. Entry forms are available at classes. If unable to compete please let me know. See me or Mr Conboy or My John Simons for full details.
Senior Red and Black Belt Classes
I am hoping to run these as a regular training session on the understanding that members let me know in advance when you would like these run? I am only too happy to do these for free if those taking part cover the hall hire cost. I would suggest any Sunday eve at Earls Barton immediately after Mr Conboy’s colour belt lesson 6pm to 7pm and Black Belt training 7pm to 8pm. Anyone taking a Black Belt grading must attend at least 10 classes between gradings.
Introducing new members
New members are always welcome. The first three lessons are free and if you introduce a new member, you will have a choice when they licence. Either your next years licence will be free or your next months training for free.
Colour Belt Grading
Sunday 15th March at Moulton Village Hall. Please ensure that you have attended at least 15 classes since last time you graded. If not sure ask to see my register? Further details to follow.
Mr Adrian Gent, Chief Instructor. (6th Deg)
Tel: 07929 636 773 or email:
Mr Conboy, Earls Barton Instructor (2nd Deg)
Tel: 07881 856 157