07929 636 773 tiger-gent19@hotmail.com

Monthly Newsletter – April / May 2022

April / May 2022 Newsletter

Our next grading will be on Tuesday 24th May in the guide hall. Beginners up to green tag 7 – 8 pm, seniors (green belt and upwards) 8 to 9 pm. Grading fee is £20 and must be handed in with license book by Friday 20th of May at the latest. You will be given your multiple-choice questions to complete when handing in your grading fee. These can be found on the club website to practice beforehand (www.whitetigertaekwon-do.co.uk). You must have attended at least 15 sessions since your last grading. If in doubt, please check the register. If you are unsure on whether you are ready to grade, or if you have any questions about the grading, please ask Mr. Gent.

Unfortunately, there has been an increase in equipment prices due to the current world economic situation. However, our equipment supply remains competitively priced so Mr. Gent will continue to put in a monthly equipment order, please speak to him if you would like to order any kit. At present our hall hire cars have not increased which is good news! As usual, introduce a new member and get one months free training when they licence.

There will be no training on Friday 6th and Friday 13th of May due to Mr. Gent being on holiday, Mr Mawdsley will be covering Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th May.

Upcoming seminars/tournaments that may be of interest…
5th June – LTSI pure Black Belt tournament Hatfield £30.
12th June – Master Snow of St Albans Tae Kwon-Do is running a seminar for red/black belts £15 – 9:30/10:30 to 1:30 pm

If you’re on Facebook and would like to join the club group, please search “White Tiger Tae Kwon-Do” and request to join. Please note, if you’re under 18, a parent will need to give permission for you to join.

Mr Adrian Gent, Chief Instructor. (6th Deg)
Tel: 07929 636 773 or email: tiger-gent19@hotmail.com

Website: www.whitetigertaekwon-do.co.uk

January 2022

Colour Belt Gradings – 2022

This years grading dates have been booked: Tuesday 24th May 2022 and Tuesday 18th October 2022 at the Moulton Guides Hall. Times TBC. You must have attended at least 20 classes between gradings. If you do not pass, the very next grading is free.

Introduce a new member and when they licence after the first three free lessons. You can claim the next month’s free training or your next grading free (not Black Belt Grading) or your next annual licence free. P.s. always bring your sparring kit to all lessons as I am hoping to enter members into tournaments next year.

Mr Adrian Gent, Chief Instructor. (6th Deg)
Tel: 07929 636 773 or email: tiger-gent19@hotmail.com

Website: www.whitetigertaekwon-do.co.uk