07929 636 773 tiger-gent19@hotmail.com

Monthly Newsletter – June 2020

June 2020

Update on Training – Coronavirus

In regards to White Tiger Tae Kwon-Do training, we are now offering a varierty of ways to train until we are back up and running when its safe to do so.

1) Social Distance Tae Kwon-Do Training

This will be outdoor traning whilst adhering to strict social distancing rules, 2 metres apart.

From new week W/c 8th June 2020 we are this will be on Monday and Thursday nights from 7pm and Sunday night for Seniors (red belt upwards) from 6pm.

This must be up to 6 people per class and available for existing members only! No more than 6 people must be training until further notice from the government .
We will not be taking any new members until we resume normal training.


2) Virtual Tae Kwon-Do Training

For members who are shielding or being shielded / being most at risk from Covid-19, or not as confident to meet in small social distance groups. There is virtual tae kwon-do training.
These lessons will work on a 1-2-1 training basis. This is a great opportunity for existing members to work with black belts and instructors without having to worry about the new social distancing measures!

This training is strictly for existing members only! We will not be taking any new members until we resume normal training.

So now we have more ways for members to keep up their training, hope our members find these useful.

If you are interested in any of the training provided above, please click on the button below for further details.

Tae Kwon-Do Training Overview

Finally, it is our duty as a martial arts club to ensure the safety of all members and instructors etc in order for us to play our part in defeating the virus.

Thank you to all of our members and their familes for their support of club, and when its safe to do so, we will be back up and running as soon as possible.

We wish everyone health and keeps safe during this time.

Indomitable spirit everyone! Don’t give up and let this period of isolation get you down, keep going and will be back training in no time!

Mr Adrian Gent, Chief Instructor. (6th Deg)
Tel: 07929 636 773 or email: tiger-gent19@hotmail.com

Mr Conboy (2nd Deg)
Tel: 07881 856 157

Website: www.whitetigertaekwon-do.co.uk