07929 636 773 tiger-gent19@hotmail.com

Monthly Newsletter – October 2022

October 2022

Club Membership

The club membership is looking healthy at present. So this has enabled me to lower some fees. Colour belt grading fees are being reduced from £20 to £15. Monthly training fees are being lowered from £30 to £25. This must be paid during the first seven days of the month. Fees paid by the lesson remain the same £5 for each class during the week. This is to encourage regular training. Also annual licence renewals are reduced to £20 after the first year. As we seem to be entering a possible recession I hope that this is helpful. Please talk to me in confidence if you have any problems.

New Members

New members are always welcome and the first three lessons are free and the initial licence remains the same £30. Please encouage new members as this helps to keep fees down and you get the next month’s free training when they licence.

Colour Belt Grading – October 2022

Welldone to our new members who successfully passed their grading and our senior members who are rapidly approaching their black belts.

Mr Adrian Gent, Chief Instructor. (6th Deg)
Tel: 07929 636 773 or email: tiger-gent19@hotmail.com

Website: www.whitetigertaekwon-do.co.uk

January 2022

Colour Belt Gradings – 2022

This years grading dates have been booked: Tuesday 24th May 2022 and Tuesday 18th October 2022 at the Moulton Guides Hall. Times TBC. You must have attended at least 20 classes between gradings. If you do not pass, the very next grading is free.

Introduce a new member and when they licence after the first three free lessons. You can claim the next month’s free training or your next grading free (not Black Belt Grading) or your next annual licence free. P.s. always bring your sparring kit to all lessons as I am hoping to enter members into tournaments next year.

Mr Adrian Gent, Chief Instructor. (6th Deg)
Tel: 07929 636 773 or email: tiger-gent19@hotmail.com

Website: www.whitetigertaekwon-do.co.uk