Monthly Newsletter – September 2020
Update on Training
Training this Friday 18th Sep in Moulton Village hall 7pm to 8pm and then weekly. Regular training next week on Tue at Moulton Guide Hall 6pm to 7pm beginers up to Green Belt and higher grades from 7pm to 8pm. Higher grade can attend both classes.
The first 3 lessons are free to new members,ages from 6yrs up.Health and safety forms must be filled in in full, if just starting and no known symptons of or contact with Covid 19. Existing members please check that your licences are up to date as some have expired during lockdown. You will have to re-licence when you commence training. Your training will comence from the date of renewal.
Training fees. £5 per class or £9 for two lessons a week payable on Tuesday. No refund if you dont attend both classes. Monthly fee £30 payable at start of the month ,excluding August and December. I am now able to take contactless payments using Sum Up.
Introduce a new member and recieve either one months training or next years licence renewal for free when they licence.
Tae Kwon-Do Training Overview
I hope that you are all fit and well and looking forward to seeing you all again. Please contact me if you gave any questions.
PS we are following NAKMAS health and safety Guidelines.
Mr Adrian Gent, Chief Instructor. (6th Deg)
Tel: 07929 636 773 or email:
Mr Conboy (2nd Deg)
Tel: 07881 856 157