Monthly Newsletter – March 2020
March 2020
Colour Belt Grading
Sunday 15th March at Moulton Village Hall, Pound Lane. 11 am start to 1pm approx finish. Full sparring equipment required for green belt and above. Please ensure that you have attended at least 15 classes since last time you graded. If not sure ask to see my register? Licence books and fee £20 must be handed in by Friday 13th March at the latest.
Seminar. Covering throws, locks ground work and falls etc. – Friday 3rd April, Moulton Village Hall, Pound Lane 7pm to 9pm.
We have a guest instructor teaching the above techniques. £5 entry fee or free if you have trained twice before on that week. Seated spectators £2, bring family and friends along as well.
Change of venues, times and fees
At the start of this month, owing to the increase in membership at the Obelisk club, we will be training at the Obelisk on Modnay and Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8pm. Friday night as usual at Moulton Village Hall 7pm to 8pm.
Owing to increasing hall costs, these are the new training fees: Weekly fees – one lesson £5, two lessons £9 and three lessons £12. These are not refundable if you don’t turn up for any reason and not carried forward to the next week. Family weekly fees for two or more members £20.
Also, I am introducing monthly fees of £30 per month for each member if you would rather pay by the month in advance. This must be paid during the first seven days. I am hoping in the near future to move with the times and be able to accept card payments and standing orders.
Introducing new members
New members are always welcome. The first three lessons are free and if you introduce a new member, you will have a choice when they licence. Either your next years licence will be free or your next months training for free.
Mr Adrian Gent, Chief Instructor. (6th Deg)
Tel: 07929 636 773 or email:
Mr Conboy (2nd Deg)
Tel: 07881 856 157